Bands Archive

A collection of videos showcasing the history of original bands in Tasmania, Australia.


Bands included in the playlist above:

The Dead Abigails, Mad Intentions, 
Sea Scouts, Mouth, The Bad Luck Charms, 50 Million Clowns, Rentboy, The Fish John West Reject. Puppy Fat, Little Ugly Girls, Devils in Heaven, Phoenix Lights, Solar Thorn, Woof Woof, Ghost And The Storm Outside, Separatist, Future Recollection, The Voyeurs, Sole Stickers, Nathan Wheldon & The Two Timers, My Escapade, Emma Dilemma, The Stoics, Boo Boo Gazoo, Kravats, Fell to Erin
, Legends of Motorsport. Big Wally

Know of Youtube videos for the the following bands? Send a video link (see below)
The Frustrations, Moe Grizzly, Modus,
Thesis. PMXI Turbo, Halfmast, Shoe, Little Bird, Bender, The Horror, Charles Du Cane, Palm This! The Stickmen, Buttplug, Viva Computer, The Que, Fridge, Endshow, Beathoven, The Ninth Blinding, Tyrant, The Innocents, Sons of Bacchus, Sixninja, Reflex, Whalebone.


Help grow the Tasmanian Bands Video Archive 
To submit Youtube video links for the archive playlist CLICK HERE or private message via the TasmanianBands.Com Facebook page.

- Only videos hosted on Youtube can be included.
- Only 1 video of each band will be included so select the video that best represents the band.
- Videos of poor quality audio quality will not be included.
- Still image videos are fine.